Naked Baby Presents

Making a Cake! 5.15.11

Always wash your hands first, especially if you're naked

Box of mix? Oil? Water? Eggs from GranGran's chickens?


Sorry bud, you can only add the
one cupful of oil

Note: I did not let him crack the egg himself.
I fail at this Montessori business.

Holy crap, baking involves power tools?

And she's letting me do it myself?

WHY does the camera want to see my pan, Mom? 

Hey, think I could snag a taste of Salmonella?

I can see a day when having kids may become profitable

Because that's where bubbles belong


  1. This is SO cute! And Grady has grown so much since I last saw him. Way to go mama :D

  2. You are hysterical & totally rock as a Hot Montessori Mom! Love you!

